Tuesday, August 28, 2007

number 9 journal-values

Cite one experience you had w/ negative peer pressure.

once, me and my friends had a drinking session in my classmate's house. i drank too much and unfortunately lost my cellphone. my parents couldn't reach me because somebody already got my cellphone, i'm too drunk too remember if its stolen or if i left it someplace else. also, i was too drunk too walk so my friends had to carry and drag me until we reach someone's place. my mom was so worried he had to call my dad to come home in the middle of his work. they didn't try to find me because it was already dark. imagine 2am in the morning. when i woke up all i can remember was making this stupid decision and staying there. i texted my mother and she picked me up at my friends house. i was grounded for a very long time and i think i deserved that.

number 8. journal-values

'choose a challenge"

i chose avoid cheating because avoiding yourself to cheat really pushes you to study more and be more independent. Everytime I get high grades after a quiz, it makes me realize that by doing my best, i can reach my goals in life and it really feels great to see your high score and tell yourself,, "i did it all by myself."

number 7. journal-values

After having assesed your health condition, how do you plan to improve it?

I started gym last Monday and also play badminton with my friends during fridays its been going really well since. I feel alive everytime i do my excercise at the gym or when i play until i can't breath no more.

number 6. journal-values

Challeng yourself to excell in school activities

I already started this challenge ever since i had my first day in MCL. i never had high grades when i was still in high school, i never topped quizes and never recognized. maybe because my grades are not enough to be noticed. but i studied hard and I think that's the reason why i'm getting this grades. it feels good to be praised and be recognized for the first time in my classes.

number 5. journal- values

write an essay about the most challenging thing you've ever done.

When i was in 3rd year highscool, i was assigned as the group leader in making a baby thesis. it was the first time ive ever heard of that word ^_^ so i was nervous. i can also feel that my groupmates arent that interested in this group work. i had to strive so hard just to keep up with other groups because i had to do almost all of the work. i spent to much time, effort and money just to finish this work. presenting infront of the class was just as nerve wrecking. But after all of it, i learned much about thesis, how its done and i think i really learned the real meaning of being independent(eventhough its a group work.. ^_^)

number 4. journal- values

"Do unto others what you want them to do unto you." how would you like to be treated by others when you commit mistakes voice out opinions/ suggestions or when you dont like what they are asking you to do?

I would like them to give the right answer or give me an idea for me to correct myself. I think that will help me improve or just stop me from doing the wrong thing and maybe, if I can, I would do the same for them.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


i haven't done any journal yet except for the ones in my journal notebook.